Version 2.X
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.7.28
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.7.20
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.7.15
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.7.10
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.7.05
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.7.01
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.6.38
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.6.35
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.6.27
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.6.24
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.6.16
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.6.00
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.5.11
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.5.00
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.4.20
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.4.11
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.4.00
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.3.09
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.3.02
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.2.20
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.2.10
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.2.00
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.1.09
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 2.0.0
Version 1.X
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 1.4.4
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 1.4
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 1.3.2
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 1.3.0
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 1.2.1
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 1.1.1
- Nverse Photo/Terra Version 1.1
- support direct loading of IKONOS tiff color imagery stored in separate color bands
- reworked how the user attributes are setup
- support exporting user attributes to ShapeFile attribute table
- corrected an error with the ASCII GRID DEM loader loading DEMS in feet projections
- improved the ofl file utility program
- corrected some special cases for the ShapeFile importer
- corrected an error loading a tiff file with floating point pixels
- corrected a problem not using the remapping unless the image was displayed
- corrected several memory leaks
- corrected a display problem with DEM cells in Nverse Pro
- added a date-time attribute to all objects
- added line/sample output from registration errors dialog box
- ground truth points now appear in 3D displays
- blend target object is now highlighted when selecting blend target
- corrected an error reading in RPC camera models
- corrected an error creating ground ortho images (images were overwritten by the camera file)
- improved the image path finder from a session file
- corrected several issues in session appending
- corrected a problem setting up keybindings to set object attributes
- added the ability to customize the toolbars and the Nverse pro main dialog box
- corrected some small problems with the scene origin during a registration
- corrected the wpk and pos camera loaders to account for map projection coordinate system rotations
- added global height options to the model manager height manager
- added a save camera button on the create ortho image
- added the ability to read floating point ASCII grid cells
- corrected a problem reading ASCII grid cells which have irregular valid areas
- enable close image for images whose rrsets not attempted
- ground truth points now are stored in their native coordinate system
- corrected a problem appending cameras from a session with a different origin
- corrected a problem (from 2.7.16) with objects not responding to edit requests
- corrected a problem with overhang extrusions sometimes showing holes
- added the ability to read ASCII grid DEMs that use xllcenter and yllcenter
- ShapeFile exports to 2D record types only take 2D building formatting
- corrected a problem reading a GeoTiff geodetic camera from a file
- allow replacing keybindings without having to remove the existing one
- corrected a support file problem when the image name was *.rr0
- allow closed no-fill objects to be blended
- allow user configuration of model manager, earth data manager, and user settings items
- moved the rendering sizes to the user settings
- moved the edit undo/redo dialog to the model manager
- added the a scene origin display in the image windows
- added a new editing mode to extrude a segment in 2D
- added a new editing mode to cut a corner in 2D
- added a POS camera loader for the exterior orientation file of Applanix cameras
- improved the MegaMap performance around image boundaries
- added the ability to clear user attributes
- corrected a problem converting ground image formats in the export
- added view frustum update options to the compound viewer
- corrected a problem resetting the session file with a compound viewer open
- updated the TIL reader to handle 8-bit imagery and missing tiled imagery
- corrected a problem exporting predefined textures to OpenFlight format
- added rooftop flag and terrain flag in OpenFlight faces, when appropriate
- corrected a problem with textured vrml output when all faces were textured
- improved how the image window mode-help works
- improved how the orthomaker computes the initial coverage rectangle
- added support for certain GeoTiffs whose projection and units do not match
- corrected several issues with the exterior orientation dialog box
- corrected an error with the max 4, viz4, and max 5 builds
- corrected a naming problem when exporting non-standard model formats
- corrected a problem setting the database path during exporting
- completely redesigned the model exporter
- corrected a problem loading the ground attributes from a session file
- added the ability to load one particular improperly written tiff file
- corrected a problem registering to ground truth points with a GeoTiff loaded
- corrected an issue authorizing max8 Nverse photo
- added a KML exporter for Google Earth
- corrected a problem displaying textures when a session is not yet loaded
- simplified the model formatting to affect only the display in the 3D windows
- reduced the memory profile for objects and compound objects
- added the ability to save and load remap settings
- corrected a problem with the compound viewer getting object updates
- improved the efficiency loading max files with MegaMaps
- added PL3 and OFL exporters and importers, replacing the "save/load detailed compounds"
- improved the generation of MegaMap texture materials
- sped up the shutdown process for Nverse Pro
- corrected a missing abs error display in the advanced reg
- added a progress bar on the ShapeFile importer, and several additional options
- do not allow opening / closing image windows from the image browser in the max version
- corrected an error converting rr images already tiled to a different directory on the same volume
- added a show textures for selection only option in the 3D windows
- added a separate ground texture option in the 3D windows
- corrected the north arrow display in several different circumstances
- improved the 2D ShapeFile importer
- corrected an error with the 3d image display window when using DEMs
- corrected an error with the ShapeFile importer
- added the ability to import a 2D ShapeFile and use an attribute field for the height
- improved (greatly) the triangulation of long skinny objects, such as bridges
- Nverse pro now checks to save before quitting
- added single image registration error display, from the advanced registration dialog
- added column sorting to advanced registration
- added an average 2d error status bar entry
- corrected errors in the display of some of the status bar items
- corrected the session manager when there is no session yet, but images are loaded
- corrected an error with the texture priorities
- added better resampling in the ground ortho process
- added a way to directly input a camera position and orientation
- added a feature to allow multiple selection in texture images
- added a feature to save the texture image priority in the session file
- added a display of the number of images in each camera group
- added a tile index step size
- added a self-illumination flag to compound objects (in max/viz)
- added a smoothing option to compound objects (in max/viz)
- added ground texture image support on the compound properties dialog box
- added a button to specify the sdts dbase file in the user settings elev page
- improved the clipping plane calculations in the 3D windows
- improved the image window threading efficiency
- improved the camera group behavior during conversions to earth camera groups
- ground tiles are now accessed from the ground texture db
- ground texture coverage is now specified as SW / NE (change from NW / SE)
- moved the object height dialog box to the model manager, added us foot input
- corrected the orthographic view in the 3D windows
- corrected some camera group issues appending session files
- corrected ortho camera loading
- corrected a problem with the images hanging on some graphics cards during a zoom or pan
- corrected a problem saving session files from makerr
- added DEM height to 3d window status bars
- added a tilename offset in the ortho tile exporter
- added MGRS/USNG coordinate support in image window status bar
- added support to load simple GeoTiff ortho images
- added multiple host environments help files support
- added access to the coordinate system in the ground tile maker coverage page
- added fully functional .cam file loading for focal length perspective cameras
- textures applied to the dem can now span all intersecting dem cells
- MegaMap textures can now be applied to the ground, nverse or dem
- modified the append function to bring in images not in the original session file
- changed how the absolute errors are reported in the advanced registration dialog
- ruler units now match the scene coordinate system
- improved the SDTS DEM lookup in the SDTS database
- include buildings in ground tile maker init to modeled coverage
- corrected a problem with the ground truth points during a session change
- corrected a problem displaying the internals of the GeoTiff ortho camera
- corrected an error with "load as image" in ground texture control dialog box
- corrected the compound viewer to properly manage changes in dem textures
- corrected a problem showing the status bar in newly loaded images
- corrected a problem saving the keybindings using the "save" option
- corrected a problem with the file selection in makerr
- corrected a problem with the toolbar in makerr and the advanced registration dialog
- corrected the status in makerr when the destination directory is different
- corrected a problem loading older session files with cameras using focal parameters
- corrected an error with the camera group dialog box occasionally blanked out
- corrected the input of a custom tile size in the ground tile maker
- corrected a problem in the tiff loader for some GeoTiff images
- corrected a problem automatically loading some RPC camera models
- added a close image button on the camera properties dialog box
- added a feature to save and restore display object settings
- added a feature to prompt for a bad path to ground cell loaded in a session
- added mask generation to makerr
- added the texture images button to the compound page for polygons
- added network path support for the find image db
- added a ortho ground tiling exporter
- added a prototype generic aerial camera loader (wpk loader)
- added a save button to the key bindings dialog
- improved how the merge cameras operation works
- improved how the image finding mechanism works when loading a session
- recompiled GEO version to work with Beta 3
- corrected small issues with overhangs and parapets
- corrected a minor problem with the texture obscuration
- corrected extrusions of objects on top of parapets
- corrected a cursor moving problem with auto-apply in some of the object properties fields
- corrected a crash merging ground perspective cameras
- removed the ruler edit mode - can now edit them anytime
- improved the 3d interactions
- added full capability to the ground truth input mode
- added north arrow display in the image windows
- added fiducial point input mode and center point calculation
- updated the sup cam plugin
- corrected an error saving a session file in makerr when destination dir is different
- corrected a perspective camera error using scale matrices with scanning rotations
- corrected a problem with sendover not showing up on the menus
- corrected an error with large size tiles in the native image, such as NITF
- corrected an error with > 8 bit imagery going into ground texture maps
- corrected an error on older windows systems which caused the menu bar not to appear
- corrected a problem with the display of omega, phi, and kappa
- corrected an initialization problem with the 3d displays
- corrected an error with the resized ground texture maps
- added VRML export texture mapping
- added the 2d window measuring tool
- added default tex coords to all DEM objects
- added a feature to allow compression in makerr
- added a model manager dialog box
- added an improved selection dialog box
- added a default object parameters dialog box
- added an earth data manager dialog box
- added an improved user settings dialog box
- added a user settings texture page
- corrected a problem when failing to create the texture directory
- corrected a problem in 2.6.35 with creating rr sets
- changed how images are loaded - no need to run makerr ahead of time
- changed makerr interface and capabilities
- added the image window 3d view
- added a 3d image window status bar measuring indicator
- added an ESRI ASCII-grid DEM importer
- added ability to save .prj file for any map projection or datum
- added a feature to write out a .prj file for every world file written out
- added several different ortho options to write out square projection pixels
- added an explicit file type choice in the ortho creator dialog box
- added object height setting in the object attributes dialog box
- added resizing ability on the user attributes dialog boxes
- added toolbars to the 3d windows in Nverse Pro
- added a prototype toolbar capability for the image windows
- added a more modern text field look in the dialog boxes
- added a feature to preserve window positions, toolbar, and status bar states in session files
- added an authorization check for multiple Ethernet cards
- corrected some inconsistencies with the camera internals for perspective cameras
- corrected a problem with the image windows occasionally not reading any input
- corrected a problem of windows occasionally locking up when closed
- corrected an error with the compound viewer when looking at DEMs
- corrected an error that did not allow register-to to launch the registration
- corrected some problems with the compound user attribute assignment
- corrected a problem with the reapply ground when using only a DEM elevation
- corrected a crash when changing images
- corrected a problem with the ground truth point registration without any scene origin
- corrected an error with the 3D window initialization sequence
- corrected a crash when changing sessions with an image displayed
- corrected the image menu scrolling in Nverse Pro
- corrected a problem with the send-over with multiple images displayed
- added the 3ds exporter
- fixed a problem with the flt exporter using object centers and single flt models
- allow cancel from loading a session with many missing images
- improved the 11-bit image thumbnail look
- corrected an error in the selection mechanism
- corrected an error with some of the F1-help files.
- added the ability to read in some other variants of SDTS DEM's.
- added support in the sup camera loader for transverse mercator projections
- added some extra selection mechanisms in the selection dialog
- added the ability to add preloaded image maps into the sides and/or the roof of buildings
- added some extra support cases in the .sup file loader
- added below ground extrusion fields in the ShapeFile output
- added online help (via F1 key) for all dialogs and many image window features
- added more attributes to the ShapeFile exporter
- added more key bindings and user actions
- added ability to clear authorization to replace temporary auth codes with permanent ones
- greatly improved the geometry generation for vertical extrusions, removing much extra geometry
- put the texture capabilities in the compound dialog box, which now can process multiple selections
- removed the textures dialog
- sped up the image displays zooming behavior
- now shipping plugin for GEO
- use the ESRI Tokyo datum definition for the Japan Map Projections
- corrected an update problem in object properties during a reverse selection
- corrected a crash with single modeled objects with the projection errors page displayed
- corrected some errors in the multiple image registration setup
- corrected a problem saving view settings and remapping settings (introduced in 2.6.19)
- corrected the automatic object namer, which was skipping numbers
- added a new color for the objects which are not selected but belong to a selected compound
- added DEM resolution to the DEM Dialog Box
- added customizable menu configurations
- added isolated and base object object attributes, useful to separate compound objects
- added ability to save registration errors to a tab delimited file
- added scroll indicators back to the 2D image displays
- added parapet extrusion
- added focal length/scanning resolution camera setup
- the authorization dialogs now show all available options
- improved selection performance
- removed support for max 3.1 and viz 3i from the installer - contact us if you need this
- corrected a problem with some graphics configurations showing lines around image tiles
- installer now associates Nverse files with the Nverse icon
- added the texture map filename to the texture options dialog box
- added the ability to switch between rectangles or roads directly to new polygon mode
- added the ability to toggle constrained translates (relocates) with the shift key
- added the ability to toggle constrained segment moves with the shift key
- added the ability to copy/paste height from point objects
- added point to polygon building extraction
- added an improved automatic height finding algorithm
- improved the texture map obscuration performance
- improved the swish processing to include objects of any shape
- the save session reminder dialog box now prompts for a new filename
- corrected a problem assigning user attributes to point to poly objects
- corrected a problem with multiple image registration
- corrected a problem displaying the proper ortho image directory
- corrected a display problem with 2 point ellipses
- corrected the rectangle mode display and leaving mode on view change problems
- corrected a problem with the 2D polygon formatting
- added a tracking height above-ground-level option to the status bar
- added an auto-centering option
- added a tracking marker cursor in other image displays showing a matching location
- improved the user interface for the remapping in the pixels dialog box
- improved the behavior relocating with objects defined in more than two images
- improved the RPC camera registration
- improved the memory performance of a loaded model
- reset registration now retains focal parameter information
- stop auto-loading extra DTED cells for new images if coverage already exists in smaller ones
- allow texture mapping a DEM surface with a single image
- SDTS elevation cells display with the resolution as part of the name
- incorporated a more reasonable behavior when zooming to a selected point
- corrected an error with the tracking cursor after a clear3d/solve3d
- corrected a problem with some phantom objects not being deleted properly
- corrected a problem with the radial distortion dialog box not applying the values
- corrected a problem with the rectangle tool showing ghost objects sometimes
- corrected a problem reading some tiff images which were not written as they should have
- corrected a problem on some OpenGL drivers not supporting some of the 2D image windows
- corrected a problem generating polygon outlines for objects with slabs, overhangs, and some blends
- corrected a problem assigning the correct compound object to some objects
- corrected a problem creating viewport cameras of highly perspective images
- corrected a problem in 2.5.05 with cameras referenced to the earth by only ground truth points
- corrected the single image modeling to remember the last height used
- corrected a bug fitting right angles to open polygons
- corrected an error when there are more than 100 edits and one was a delete object
- corrected a display error on some OpenGL drivers not supporting BGR color formats
- corrected a problem with the displayed DEM resolution
- corrected a problem with the displayed label of ground truth points
- corrected a problem with 3D updates when changing the extra extrusion
- corrected a problem with new map projections not showing up on some menus
- corrected some lagging object properties showing up in the object analyzer
- added a coordinate system option to the main export dialog box
- added a depth parameter to the overhang extrusion
- added an object rename capability to the user settings
- added the ability to write world files for ground maps in earth based models
- added more capability to the Object Display Dialog Box
- added a feature saving DEM settings in a session file
- added a feature displaying geometry not defined in an image
- added the ability to read ShapeFile .prj files when importing ShapeFiles
- added automatic fiducial detection and masking for aerial images
- added a better interface to the OpenFlight and ShapeFile export dialogs
- added a progress indicator for the ShapeFile exporter
- added an output coordinate system selection for the ShapeFile exporter
- added image format options to the OpenFlight exporter
- removed some redundant processing during texture map redisplays
- removed the 8.3 filename checking in the ShapeFile exporter
- save the model formatting in the session file
- increased the amount an image window can zoom out
- improved how the packed textures are generated
- improved the texture map obscuration efficiency
- improved how the ellipses are computed and displayed
- improved the efficiency of the importers for large numbers of objects
- improved the image viewing performance when using large numbers of images (i.e. 20 images)
- corrected a display problem with the texture options dialog now apply and reset buttons
- corrected a problem with Lambert projections
- corrected an error re-texturing buildings with the material editor open to a bitmap
- corrected an error in the texture map packing
- corrected a problem using a projection with units other than meters
- corrected an error with the naming of objects
- corrected an error with the ground texture mapping
- corrected a problem saving the user earth data automatically
- corrected a problem where 3D objects were unnecessarily re-computed
- corrected a problem with the Object Analyzer when an object was deleted from an image
- corrected a problem with the ShapeFile export dialog box occasionally crashing
- corrected a problem deleting many ground objects at the same time
- corrected a problem updating 3D objects twice with reshape on
- corrected a problem importing too many ShapeFile objects, then appending from that session
- corrected a problem using map projections in units other than meters
- added the ability to apply a default material to the ground
- added extra pole attributes: tapering, radius, and number segments
- added a feature to automatically fit right angles on selected objects
- added a focal parameter calculator
- added a feature to allow direct input of the image mask
- added the overhang extrusion
- greatly improved the right angle fitting routine
- corrected a problem updating the compound display in an image when changing a property value
- corrected an updating problem in the camera group fit-to-objects
- all 3D solutions now use all available object definitions (n-ray intersections)
- improved the guessing of the appropriate field in the object attribute dialog box
- limit the amount of memory allowed by all images using the user setting / misc / Image Cache Items
- corrected a problem updating several of the flags
- corrected a problem selecting poles correctly
- corrected a problem editing ellipse vertices
- corrected a problem in selecting objects after paste3d
- corrected a problem sending objects over to the last selected image
- corrected a problem with sendover when not creating an object
- corrected a problem in the model format dialog box (the apply button was ineffective)
- added a key binding (ctrl-D by default) to deselect all objects
- added several more options in the image status bar to show the current scale
- added the Object Analyzer Dialog Box
- added image offset calculator
- added image boundary exclusion zones
- added a feature so that objects not displayed can not be selected
- improved the image viewing performance
- selected segment midpoints are no longer displayed
- selected vertices drawn as smaller boxes
- allow different texture map settings per compound object
- removed the texture options from the compound object dialog box
- removed the texture options from the user settings
- corrected a repaint problem when deleting a bunch of objects
- corrected a problem automatically sending over pasted objects
- corrected a problem causing texture map obscuration not to work
- corrected a problem selecting objects with a rotated image
- corrected a problem with the object selection rectangle not getting updated
- corrected a problem with the selection of edited objects and newly sent-over objects
- corrected a problem reading NITF images with preexisting rrsets
- corrected a problem with the ground path in the create ortho dialog
- added a feature to select Nverse objects when the corresponding max/VIZ objects are selected
- added a feature to rotate image displays using Alt-middle mouse
- added a user setting to hide the fixed image menus by default
- added improved radial distortion coefficient support
- fixed a problem when sendover was not automatically going to the last active window
- added regular menus to all image windows
- added a feature to toggle the status bar on and off
- added ability to swish with 16-bit images
- added the export directory in the user settings
- added support for 3ds max 6
- added a feature to directly load large TIFF image without making rrsets
- stop selecting objects immediately after canceling a menu
- SDTS DEMS in Hawaii (in UTM format) now use Old_Hawaiian datum
- corrected OpenFlight problem when loading exported data into Multigen Creator
- corrected a bug where the exporters were not adding the proper prefix in
"byobject" mode
- corrected a problem with deleted objects during registration
- now shipping OpenFlight exporter plugin
- now shipping ShapeFile exporter plugin
- new installer software
- corrected image window update problem
- corrected problem with DTED elevation above and below 50 degrees latitude
- corrected issues with the texture map obscuration detection
- corrected a problem with the session directory initialization
- handle memory differently to help prevent out-of-memory issues when texturing huge scenes
- modified Reduced Resolution Sets by placing some advanced features in a different dialog box
- corrected some minor errors in earth datum conversions
- corrected a problem changing the user earth data file
- added save image features to the image menu
- added a feature cancels any input mode with the escape key
- added a feature to reverse the zoom-in and zoom-out on the mouse wheel
- fixed a problem displaying cancel when creating ortho ground textures
- fixed some text fields in several dialog boxes when using small fonts
- fixed the point mode selection
- added a feature that displays vertices on selected objects
- added a feature permitting segment editing
- added a feature providing a rectangle input mode
- added an "on
ground" extrusion enabling easy road creation
- added custom button presets
- added an object selection dialog box
- added the vrml exporter as a standard delivery
- added model formatting control and rollout
- added user defined ellipsoids, datums, and map projections
- added automatic loading and saving for the user earth data
- added the dxf exporter as a standard delivery
- added the ability to generate image-wide texture coordinates
- added a dialog box access rollout
- added output vertex projection support
- added a capability use best the resolution looking up elevations in DEMs
- added access to the image list in left status bar section
- added a lock attribute
- added framework for user defined attributes
- added support for sub-image offsets
- improved the logic in the swish extractor
- the object attribute box no longer has an object selection menu
- auto-load camera models when possible
- changed the default remapping to histogram at 1%
- applied model formatting to loaded DEMs
- now shipping limited NITF image readers
- removed not-for-reg user preference
- fixed a problem formatting textured model pieces
- fixed a ground truth height input error when the display mode is a projection
- fixed a problem not clearing the ground in max when clear 3d selected
- fixed a problem setting the root directory with "find"
- fixed a problem when an image is not available to a session
- fixed an offset problem in paste2d
- view mode toggling now works correctly
- pulled the brightness/contrast controls into their own dialog
- added undo/redo send-over capability
- added object creation undo
- added access to the perspective camera distortion parameters
- added an edit stack display
- added a redo capability
- added button access to the registration errors dialog box in the registration dialogs
- added a feature to reshape on edit, with an automatic setting
- added bindings for object attribute sets
- added support for multiple selections in object
attributes dialog box
- added undo support for flag changes
- added vertical dragging to "re-height" an object
- added alt key support for key bindings
- added the ability to sort key bindings in the key bindings dialog box
- added a limited automated right angles
- added a dome extrusion
- added a dialog box to show registration errors by object
- added a feature permitting default attributes to always be not for reg
- added a feature permitting TIFF import for files > 2GB (but less then 4GB as per TIFF spec)
- added a feature permitting import of 16 bit/sample 3/4 band color TIFF
- fence corners now extrude similar to cylinders
- check overwrite when saving a session as
- modified the loading with textures options
- sped up creating ground ortho textures using buildings
- sped up the mass object selection/de-selection
- corrected an ellipse fitting problem
- corrected the missing ground triangle problem
- corrected a triangulation error affecting some 4-sided polygons
- corrected undo delete first vertex causing a crash
- corrected an occasional crash problem when resolving
- corrected a problem with the rpc camera model loaded from a session file
- corrected a problem crash when pasting dome point w/o dome base
- corrected a problem in the up down control of the cylinder radius
- corrected a problem with points changing flags
- corrected a problem moving apex out of object
- corrected a problem to delete a point from an open 3 point object
- corrected a problem indicating update needed in user settings on session load
- corrected certain vertical extrusions of non-horizontal objects intersection other objects
- corrected a problem, introduced in 2.2.00, that caused pixel values of 255 display random
- corrected a problem showing the proper histogram remapping type in the dialog box
- added a feature permitting custom status bars
- added a feature using the image histogram as another remap type
- added a feature showing scroll position indicators
- added a feature supporting licenses for multiple host versions
- added a feature using the egm-96 geoid
- added a feature for dted0 elevation loader with nverse terra
- added a feature showing the current key-binding file name
- added a feature allowing extrusions to stop at the first object beneath - the drop extrusion
- added a feature loading registry's default key bindings on startup
- added a feature changing the load citipix button to convert camera menu, supporting future plugins
- added a feature permitting ctrl click to select/deselect entire compound objects
- added a feature rotating texture map parts to minimum bounding rectangle
- added png images to the load ground texture image default types
- added a feature permitting insert/delete vertices of an existing object
- added a feature so that user profile settings now global in user settings dialog box
- added a feature to extrude a line to a cylinder: the cylinder extrusion and a pipe preset
- added a feature to pack all texture maps for an object into a single image
- updated all the file open filters
- improved how crease extrusions are handled
- changed the texture settings in the rollouts to show the current selected state
- changed rotate to ctrl-shift click outside the selection
- changed insert/delete vertex to ctrl-shift click on the vertex or segment
- changed the ground texture to never be packable
- corrected an offset problem in paste-3d under high perspective
- corrected fence extrusion problem
- corrected a problem re-loading a modified dem
- corrected a problem where a slab value change would always increase the first time
- corrected errors in some of the obj prop fields
- corrected loading not handling unregistered images correctly
- corrected a problem with copied object support data when the object properties are displayed
- corrected a problem applying the ground texture map
- corrected a problem by using rendered ellipses for blend targets and general selections
- corrected image brightness/contrast initialization
- added a feature allowing middle mouse drag scrolling, and removed the image scroll bars
- added a feature allowing user customizable key bindings
- select object mode and edit object mode are now the same mode
- added a feature indicating the available edit mode with the cursor in real-time
- added a feature allowing view changes (scroll, zoom) in new object modes
- added a feature to prompt for confirmation of any clear-all action
- added a feature to tie a model to an earth elevation
- added a feature to permit ellipses to be ground objects
- added a feature to specify extrusion amount with a 2d ground point
- added a feature to generate compressed reduced resolution set images
- added a feature to generate texture coordinates on all objects
- added a feature to speed up multiple object select/deselect
- added a feature showing the about Nverse box
- added a feature permitting single image modeling with citipix image and an overlapping SDTS elevation model
- added a feature permitting optional image resampling strategies (filtered, nn, bi-lin)
- added a feature permitting edit-poly-move for closed 2 pt objects
- added a feature to tie a model to an earth elevation
- added a feature to process elevation cells in modeling extrusions
- added a feature permitting faster 2d image rendering with large data sets
- version tab in user settings now in about nverse dialog box
- registration supports educational and not-for-resale modes
- object attributes dialog box uses a combo-box for specialty menu
- moved adjust brightness dialog box to a tabbed page on the camera properties dialog box
- corrected an edit vertex offset jump
- corrected an edit relocate offset jump
- corrected a problem with the point preset display
- ground object ignored in make texture operations
- corrected ellipse computation, which occasionally caused a crash
- corrected the help file windowing which did not work when the command panel is undocked
- corrected a bug where > 10 deleted from a single image, which removed the objects, caused a crash
- corrected adjustment register with 4 pts (bad translation)
- corrected the formatting of ground ellipses
- added a feature showing new user dialogs to walk users through the registration
- added a feature permitting a scale feature segment to control the scene scale
- added a feature showing tool tip support for many user interface items
- added a feature integrating the ground texture interfaces into a single dialog
- added a feature to use a ground texture directory preset, used by ground texture options
- added a feature permitting unloadable images to be removed from session files
- added a feature to ignore leading and trailing whitespace in the authorization dialog box
- added a feature permitting direct access to texture directory from texture rollout
- tightened camera focal parameter defaults
- orthographic cameras are not used for texturing by default
- added a feature to generate texture maps with power of 2 sizes
- added a feature which saves and loads view port presets with session files
- added a feature to merge cameras from another session file
- added a feature to disable textures on/off for specified compound objects
- added a feature to permit deleting, clear, solve, reapply ground on selected or all
- added a feature to import SDTS DLG files as digital line graphics
- added a feature to improved the interoperability between nverse terra and nverse photo coordinate systems
- added a feature which permits a session file to be saved as soon as an image is loaded
- added a feature to specify the pole width
- added a feature to retain object attributes in copy/paste operations
- added a feature to permit the ground to be optionally convex
- added a feature to optionally show ground interior edges
- new images are put in point mode if others images are in point mode
- changed the select blend target cursor
- changed x-mouse on to be the default
- reset registration on citipix cameras now makes a perspective camera
- plelevgup.gup plug-in is no longer needed
- corrected problem reading BATCHRRDS files with no whitespace between filenames
- corrected shutdown when showing registration page of camera info without image loaded
- corrected Nverse Terra so the same elevation cell will not be loaded twice
- corrected a shutdown problem by removing demcells, texmesh objects, and dlgpolys from the MAX/VIZ create menus
- corrected nverse terra all dem cells modifications
- corrected an image window scroll bar display anomaly
- corrected the append feature
- corrected the object properties dialog box "set as default" options on blend and pole object property fields
- added a feature to texture the ground from multiple images, removing buildings on the ground
- added a feature to texture ground with single images, populating alpha channel of PNG image
- added a not-filled attribute permitting easy fence object creation
- added a crease extrusion to fold a polygon object
- added a compound object properties dialog box
- added an extra extrusion amount to extrude objects below the ground
- added a global 3d scale/translation for each camera group
- added a feature to thread mass texture mapping so it may be cancelled
- added MAX/VIZ rollouts for object properties, default attributes, and compound objects
- added citipix geotiff native support, so the registration for those images is trivial and very accurate
- added option to extend the ground surface without modeling
- added tool to repair a single r-level's image data
- added support for loading PNG images
- added optional texture map prefixes
- added 8.3 filename option for texture map names, needed by the 3DS format
- added option on saving to skip saving texture information
- added option on loading to skip loading texture information
- added a version user settings page using real DLL version numbers
- added a camera plug-in interface
- added an elevation model plug-in interface
- added a model exporter plug-in interface
- added absolute registration option
- added a ground-referenced camera group
- added an unregistered camera group
- ground polygons are now preserved in the triangulated ground mesh
- view port selection menu disabled when creating new objects
- added an awning preset (penetrable slabs)
- images displayed use the best res set available if one has been deleted
- moved default directories to the user preferences
- implemented an improved ground polygon lookup
- improved the camera properties dialog box
- corrected ellipse fitting error
- added button for texture images on texture rollout
- added support for separate channel TIF images
- Nverse Terra authorization dialog box now works
- can create rr set image with same name as directory name
- fixed some dialog box text clipping problems
- cleaner object extrusions
- can browse for directories in default directories dialog box
- output name prefixes changeable in makerr
- tabbed dialog boxes re-appear correctly
- blend-to targets can not be blended to themselves
- object properties may be viewed even without an object selected
- dialog box pops up when a save to file is read only and can not be opened
- support for tiled and JPEG compressed TIFF images
- user profile files
- new brightness/contrast algorithms
- ground texture map may be cleared
- improved registration algorithms
- images closed with less impact
- several new user settings
- active group is now saved
- ground texture is now saved
- new tabbed dialog box look
- minor performance enhancements
- file format modifications (will still read older versions)
- improvements to the image menu with excessive unused images
- new authorize dialog boxes
- improved polygon update process in the 3d windows
- quicker compound object loading
- minor performance enhancements
- file format modifications (will still read older versions)
- install includes VIZ 4 support
- resample ground texture map
- automated ground texture map assignment
- user defined viewport preset modes
- selection save
- session append
- ellipse attribute
- specify slab height
- specify blend targets
- specify ellipse segmentation
- highlighted edit vertices
- improved extrusion algorithms
- texture map material improvements
- brightness/contrast improvements
- large selection performance improvements
- improved registration algorithms
- relocate selection the same as move selection
- scroll bars initialized properly
- texture coordinate duplication removed
- user interface parameter for minimum texture image size
- focal param camera properties page correctly initialized
- removed several double redraws
- zoom rectangle not permitted on very small rectangles
- point mode does not lose selection on a scroll or zoom
- batch mode create reduced resolution data set now threaded
- texture map obscuration algorithm re-written